Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"There's no better time to be a TL...."

AND .. there’s no better time to treat yourself professionally …!!      
Be educated, motivated, inspired and uplifted…
Register for ASLA XXII today!! ……

Here are just a few examples of the many workshops available at the Conference:

Mrs Sharon McGuinness, Thirroul Public School, NSW 
Innovative web2 tools for instruction and integration 
Voki, storybird and photopeach are three web2 tools guaranteed to engage your students in their learning. In this workshop, participants will integrate the tools into an instructional unit of work for students. These tools can be used with both primary and secondary students.

Mrs Sue McKerracher, The Library Agency 
National Year of Reading 2012 
How are you going to use the National Year of Reading to put your school library centre stage in 2012? Tap into the great programs, fun events, media coverage and celebrity supporters, and let’s use this opportunity to help students discover and rediscover the joy of reading.

Mrs Henrietta Miller and Mrs Prudence Thomas, Roseville College, NSW 
Communicating for the 21st century: using tools such as edmodo and student blogs to connect students with an authentic world wide audience
By using Edmodo, a secure forum together with personal student blogs, our students are?connecting and collaborating and so gaining a real world perspective together with an authentic audience for their work.

Ms Lisa Nash, Learning Exchange, Catholic Education, Diocese of Parramatta, NSW 
Exploring iPads in learning and teaching 
Students today consume, create and make sense of content via a range of mobile digital technologies. This workshop will discuss feedback from a classroom trial of iPads as well as exploring the innovative features the iPad and various Apps can play in enhancing and engaging students in learning.

Ruth Buchanan – Colo High School , NSW
Re-imaging your school library
Looking for fresh, practical, easy ideas to transform your library? While time and money may be limited, imagination is not. Starting tomorrow, how can you develop your 21st century school library as a quality learning space, a welcoming sanctuary, a positive and encouraging resource centre supporting your students and staff?

Ms Deborah Cohen, Australian Children's Television Foundation 
My Place: a multimodal destination that brings to life Australian history 
My Place (2008-1778): a multimodal destination that brings to life Australian history through the ‘eyes’ of children. It is a resource that traces the diversity of Australia and the many cultures that have enriched an Australian way of life.

Further sessions can be found on
                  the  ASLA XXII Conference website

Payment by Additional Options is accepted on the ASLA site.

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