Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Future Ready?? Is your library?

Yale 2011
View more presentations from Stephen Abram
"Stephen Abram is ably capable of providing tips and techniques for strategic thinking and innovation in libraries. He has visited hundreds of libraries in many different countries and is uniquely positioned to spark ideas and insights to the listeners of this blog."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Have you visited or used the resources from the NSW Teachers Federation Library


23-33 Mary St, Surry Hills 2010 Locked Bag 3010 Darlinghurst NSW 1300
Ph 02 9217 2113 
Fax 02 9217 2481 
Email library@nswtf.org.au

Mon - Fri   9 am - 5 pm
Council Saturday 10 am - 1.30 pm

Have you started incorporating e-books into your library yet?

Dianne McKenzie, a teacher librarian in Hong Kong, shares in her blog post: 

E-Books - the decision has been made

"Wheelers is catering to the school library market, which means their product is affordable, they supply records through SCIS and the platform can be accessed through the library OPAC AND the website - hoorah! We can also add other documents to the platform such as student work, Gutenberg texts and other ebooks we purchase through non excrypted means (not amazon purchases). If we decide we do not want to use their platform any more, we still own the books, but we need to transfer them to another DRM platform to retain access. Wheelers has everything I was looking for in an ebook platform at an affordable price."  

Wheelers ePlatform

The ePlatform is an eBook library lending platform that facilitates the secure lending of eBook titles purchased by a library.
Once your ePlatform is established, login to the Wheelers website using your account details and purchase titles in the usual way. Following purchase the titles will appear instantly in your library’s ePlatform – ready for lending.....Wheelers uses DRM. DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. DRM is encryption technology used to protect the copyright of titles lent to library members. The DRM stops a title from being shared, copied, printed and is required by the publishers who provide the titles.

Sounds great to me. 
What about you and your library? Are you ready to expand your services to include e-books? Have you chosen a different provider? 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Are you looking for answers?

Marion Silk from ASLA shares: Over the past few months. there have been questions & discussions on this listserv about e-books, digital literacy, Clickview & alternatives, the future of print resources, student research needs - to name but a few.

You can get ANSWERS, TALK to representatives & see DEMONSTRATIONS of many programs and solutions at the Trade Exhibition at ASLA XXII Conference....ALL IN THE ONE PLACE!!

Here is a brief selection of what will be available:

Q.  Will you launch into e-books and how can you manage a growing digital collection ?
n  Access-It:  Web-based management of e-books and digital material; which integrates seamlessly with SCIS; ClickView; Active Directory and LDAP; Single Sign On; automated emailing; texting, and many others
n  Softlink :  A suite of advanced library and information management including Integrated Library Management Solutions, reference and research tools used by thousands of schools across Australia, U.S., NZ  & UK.
n  Readcloud: The World’s first social eReading software platform designed for educators, We provide education institutions with a digital distribution mechanism for eBooks.
n  Wheelers: a comprehensive library supplier with an active database of over 10 million books. Experience the first eBook platform that has been developed, and priced, specifically for school libraries.

Q. Which delivery platform for digital resources would best suit your school?
n  Clickview: combines innovative digital video software and a digital video library and it allows any number of students to view digital video, at any time, at their own pace, using a school's existing computer and network infrastructure
n   DVC: DVC technology backbone provides educators and students with access to the ultimate in multimedia educational experiences, along with the ability to integrate with and utilise other learning platforms such as on-line learning management systems.  In addition to providing a vast library of content, including over 10,000 educational videos, study guides etc pre-loaded on the DVC system, DVC gives you the tools to continue to grow and manage your library, often for free.

Q. Where can you go for quality print books to support the new curriculum?
n  Macmillan: one of the leading educational publishers in Australia, with a vigorous publishing program catering to the needs of Primary and Secondary schools by producing a quality range of Library, Literacy, Digital, Text and Teacher Resource Books.
n  The Booklegger: Supporting school librarians with curriculum related library books for over 30 years.

Q. Which packages will  best support your students’ research needs?
n  Britannica Digital Learning: Through each of the age-appropriate resources, Britannica provides instructional and research content that will fit the needs of every user from one simple access point.
n  EBSCO Publishing: Through a collection of tens of thousands of magazines, books, newspapers and various other publication types from renowned publishers, EBSCO Publishing serves the content needs of all school students and staff.
n  Library Webs: Online educational research service providing an Internet Library of approximately 80,000 carefully selected links. Students using LW have immediate access to authoritative Internet resources and are able to stay focused on their learning outcomes
n  World Book Forward Learning: Schools and libraries around the world consider World Book products to be a vital resource, providing valuable, accurate and up-to-date reference information in all communication mediums: print and online.

Q. What is happening with reading, literacy & children’s literature?
n  National Year of Reading 2012: linking together all the great things that are already happening around books, reading and literacy, and giving them an extra boost, with inspirational programs and events taking place across the country. Find out what is happening…..
n  AUSTLIT/QUT: AustLit is a collaboration between the National Library of Australia and a network of Australian Universities, including Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

at the Trade Exhibition
ASLA XXII Conference
2-5 October, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Feeling overwhelmed......?

Feeling overwhelmed by the expectations and demands made upon Teacher Librarians and school libraries?  Do you still have to remind others about your unique role in teaching and learning? Looking to re-focus and reinforce your instructional role as a TEACHER librarian?
Then we have some sessions & workshops for YOU!
For example: Quality Teaching, Research skills for students; Wide reading programs for the middle school; Using ICT and collaborative teaching with your colleagues, Providing new professional development opportunities to enhance Quality Teaching in your school…..
Register today for ASLA XXII and be informed and inspired…

Mrs Margie Wallin, Southern Cross University
What your teacher librarian can do for you!
Student teachers often lack opportunity and/or encouragement to visit school libraries while on placement. Local teacher librarians and principals have collaborated with Southern Cross University Library to produce a series of videoclips, showcasing what school libraries and teacher librarians can offer. The clips are now available to share.

Ms Jackie C Hawkes
The ABCs of L=PAALs : Learning = People + Attitudes + Atmosphere+Libraries
School libraries are in the people and learning business. Jackie’s library “learning zoo” has always succeeded in creating a supportive and energizing place where learning is shared, valued, promoted and expected for each individual learner. This session summarizes an ABCs approach of some of the practical methods she has used in her library to connect People, Attitudes and Atmosphere to promote effective Learners.

Kerry Pope, William Clarke College, Kellyville, NSW
A Touch of Humour! Captivating students through the GiggleIT Project
Come and learn about GiggleIT! See how we have successfully implemented the GiggleIT Project, an initiative of IASL, with Year 5 and 6 students as part of our library program at William Clarke College. Involvement in this new, exciting, online project based on humour has given the students a reason to read, research, discover, discuss, write, reflect, communicate with others and publish their work. Working closely with class teachers provides opportunities to assess, evaluate and modify the program as necessary. The extensive use of technology and the strong international focus is appealing to all students. They can’t wait to get to library lessons!

Mrs Stacey Taylor, Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College, NSW
Tools to support senior research
A hands-on workshop designed to explore the myriad of tools available to share with senior students to use on their research journey during their final years of school. We'll look at online tools like Zotero and Evidence Chart which help students organise their thoughts and their resources.

Ms Nerelie Teese, Rosstrevor Middle School, Brighton Grammar School, VIC
Introducing and establishing a wide reading program in the middle years of schooling
This presentation outlines a Wide Reading Program and details its introduction to English classes in the middle years of schooling. Some challenges encountered in the introduction and establishment of this program are also discussed. The evolution of formats for collection and presentation of evidence based data are also outlined

Mrs. Lee FitzGerald, Loreto Kirribilli, NSW
Guided Inquiry: does it work?
Guided Inquiry is one of the keys to establishing the elusive collaboration that teacher librarians have been seeking for many years now. This presentation will essentially be an analysis of the learnings of a team of teachers and teacher librarians about Guided Inquiry as two inquiry units are planned, carried out and evaluated during 2011, with the aim of identifying what works and what doesn’t, and the organising principles behind Guided Inquiry, from the practitioners’ perspectives.

Greg Swanson, Marist College, Eastwood, NSW
Collaborative learning project: E-textbook
What do you do when a group of tech savvy students say a unit of work looks less than inviting. Couple this with a desire from the students to incorporate laptops into the learning dynamic. What develops is an innovative collaborative learning project that engages the students with their own learning; uses new and emerging technologies to motivate both staff and students; and culminates in an e-textbook that is both challenging and visually exciting.

Mrs Henrietta Miller, Roseville College, NSW
Reforming the face of teacher's professional development through the use of Twitter and Techie Brekkies
A session for teachers and leaders who may themselves comfortable with technology but who believe that it is time to foster a culture of personal professional development with the other staff in their schools. Learn how to inspire your staff, through the medium of Techie Brekkies.

-shared from Marion Silk from ASLA 
Further sessions can be found on
the ASLA XXII Conference website
Follow us on Twitter @asla2011
or search the hashtag #ASLA2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"There's no better time to be a TL...."

AND .. there’s no better time to treat yourself professionally …!!      
Be educated, motivated, inspired and uplifted…
Register for ASLA XXII today!! ……

Here are just a few examples of the many workshops available at the Conference:

Mrs Sharon McGuinness, Thirroul Public School, NSW 
Innovative web2 tools for instruction and integration 
Voki, storybird and photopeach are three web2 tools guaranteed to engage your students in their learning. In this workshop, participants will integrate the tools into an instructional unit of work for students. These tools can be used with both primary and secondary students.

Mrs Sue McKerracher, The Library Agency 
National Year of Reading 2012 
How are you going to use the National Year of Reading to put your school library centre stage in 2012? Tap into the great programs, fun events, media coverage and celebrity supporters, and let’s use this opportunity to help students discover and rediscover the joy of reading.

Mrs Henrietta Miller and Mrs Prudence Thomas, Roseville College, NSW 
Communicating for the 21st century: using tools such as edmodo and student blogs to connect students with an authentic world wide audience
By using Edmodo, a secure forum together with personal student blogs, our students are?connecting and collaborating and so gaining a real world perspective together with an authentic audience for their work.

Ms Lisa Nash, Learning Exchange, Catholic Education, Diocese of Parramatta, NSW 
Exploring iPads in learning and teaching 
Students today consume, create and make sense of content via a range of mobile digital technologies. This workshop will discuss feedback from a classroom trial of iPads as well as exploring the innovative features the iPad and various Apps can play in enhancing and engaging students in learning.

Ruth Buchanan – Colo High School , NSW
Re-imaging your school library
Looking for fresh, practical, easy ideas to transform your library? While time and money may be limited, imagination is not. Starting tomorrow, how can you develop your 21st century school library as a quality learning space, a welcoming sanctuary, a positive and encouraging resource centre supporting your students and staff?

Ms Deborah Cohen, Australian Children's Television Foundation 
My Place: a multimodal destination that brings to life Australian history 
My Place (2008-1778): a multimodal destination that brings to life Australian history through the ‘eyes’ of children. It is a resource that traces the diversity of Australia and the many cultures that have enriched an Australian way of life.

Further sessions can be found on
                  the  ASLA XXII Conference website

Payment by Additional Options is accepted on the ASLA site.

The 2011 Worldwide Virtual Library Conference

The 2011 Worldwide Virtual Library Conference

                                  November 2 - 3

                                                                                                 All Free

No transport costs                     No accommodation costs                   No time lost   

                                        All Online in Blackboard Collaborate
Submit to present or to be kept informed at http://www.Library2011.com

To be kept informed of the latest conference news and updates, pleasejoin the Library 2.0 network.                                           Library 2.0

The call for presentations is now open and submissions are due by September 15. We are also looking for conference volunteers, commercial and non-commercial partners, and conference advisory panelmembers!   

Monday, August 8, 2011

Electronic Resources for libraries

Electronic Resources Australia (ERA) is a consortia for Australian libraries for collaborative purchasing of electronic resources

ERA has negotiated subscription terms and conditions for the ERA Productson behalf of Australian libraries. 

If you are from an Australian library, you can request a password so you can see pricing for products offered - send an email request to era@nla.gov.au. Once you have received a password and considered the pricing and vendor Head Deed agreements, contact the participating vendors to arrange a subscription. 

For further information: http://era.nla.gov.au/

ERA Meeting in Perth - 19 September
ERA is holding a meeting for members and other interested representatives from Australian libraries at the Art Gallery of Western Australia (Perth) on Monday 19 September 2011.
We are delighted to welcome the following guest speakers:
  • Cheryl Hamill (Fremantle Hospital and Health Service)
  • Sandra Naude (St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls)
  • Gemma Lyons (State Library of Western Australia)
Other sessions include an update on the developments of Trove and a vendor panel with the following ERA vendors:
  • Gale Cengage Learning
  • Foward Learning (World Book)
  • RMIT Publishing (Informit)
A copy of the agenda is available on the ERA website.
Registrations are now open.  If you are interested in attending, please register by 12 September 2011: attendance is free but places are limited.
ERA Review Committee - seeking your views on ERA
The ERA Executive Committee has appointed a Committee to review the operation and vision of ERA
It is considered timely to undertake a review to ensure that ERA continues to benefit and meet the expectations of Australian libraries and continues to make progress towards its objectives for national licensing in the short and long term.
The members of the Review Committee are:
  • Judy Hanlen (TAFE NSW-Illawarra Institute)
  • Geoff Strempel (Public Libraries Network South Australia)
  • June Wall (Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview)
  • Diane Costello (CAUL)
  • Caryl Armstrong (SA Pathology).
The Review Committee is initially seeking submissions from representatives within the different library sectors. 
Submissions should address one or more of the points below:
  • the benefits and impediments for libraries within your sector participating in ERA and suggestions for overcoming any barriers to participation in the short to medium term;
  • the appropriateness of the current ERA licence terms and product range (i.e. titles, format and categories) for your library and sector;
  • the meaning and value of national licensing for your library and sector, and how national or whole of sector licences (either externally funded or self funded) can be achieved through a consortia based approach;
  • the key priorities that ERA should focus on in the next 12-18 months (including any co-ordinated lobbying activities or collaborative initiatives); and
  • the most effective way to communicate and engage with your sector and other consortia.
Submissions should be forwarded to era@nla.gov.au by Monday12 September 2011.
More information about the ERA Review can be found on the ERA website.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

READ from Ocoee Middle School

Have you seen the new offering from Ococee Middle School to promote literacy?? Here's the TV report on the latest Oocee youtube effort - apparently this song is an original creation by the school!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdF9b8K2dYQ&feature=related Their new video:

I love how they have moved beyond their Black Eyed Peas version...to their own.....................which has  updated reading through the inclusion of digital reading.