Monday, November 30, 2009

Literacy Resources-Winner Edublogger Competition 2009

Well worth checking out Literacy Resources, Devon Learning and Development Partnership.

Chifley Public School are seeking 0.6 TL for 2010

 I am sharing a message from Rachael Bryant, Teacher Librarian, Chifley Public School (with her permission).

Dear Colleagues,

I will be leaving my 0.6 Teacher Librarian position at the end of this year - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. I would love a trained TL to move into the role (as I understand, it will be casual/temporary and then be advertised for permanent). Chifley Public School (near Matraville in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney) is a gorgeous little school of about 220 students. The staff are fabulous and the community very supportive. There are very few behavioural issues and on the whole the students love the library.

The library is being refurbished at the end of this term, which means, although it may be a little messy to begin with, anyone moving into the position will have a chance to put their own stamp on the place from the beginning. I really am sad to be leaving.

If you are interested, or know anyone who may be, please email me off list or alternatively, call me or the Principal, Andrew Fielding, on ph. 02 9661 3014

Kind regards

Rachael Bryant

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Looking for the best blogs? Try this latest list.

Karenne's EduBlogs Nominations for 2009

asked by Edublogs to submit nominations for the 2009, Edublogs Awards.

The list provides a smorgasbord of  educational blogs 
across a wide range of categories.


reBlog from Audrey Nay: Coffs Harbour TL's Network and Beyond

Due to the abundance of information and "misinformation" there is a vital need for students to be guided by trained Teacher  Librarians to assist students to develop

essential "information literacy skills". Audrey Nay, Coffs Harbour TL's Network and Beyond, Oct 2009

The petition has been forwarded to Julia Gillard but your signature is still sought. The more signatures the stronger our message:

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Game consoles in the library? in the classroom?

In his blog,, Tom Barrett write about his experience of using game consoles in the classroom. It is one of my favourite things.

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Have you read these yet? Advocacy is important for TL's.

ASLA have sent a
 Letter to Federal Minister for Education, 
Julia Gillard, calling for a

Do you know what recent measures have been undertaken 

by ASLA National?          If not, click here

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Early bird notice! The 12th Annual Tooth Tally Project begins soon!

Cheryl Hill is looking for Australian schools 
that would like to join this 
The excitement of counting, graphing, reading and writing about losing teeth is beginning again next February. So get in early and get ready to join the fun!!

Our year 1 classes really enjoyed this
last year and I would like to do it again for year 1, 2010. 
I really recommend this project .

Check out Tooth Tally Project which includes great lesson plans.  
There are also downloadable resources including 
Australian NSW DET Teachers:The Tooth Tally Project Lesson Plan 


The Tooth Tally Project integrates a common event 
in the life of a first year student –losing a tooth 
– with reading, maths, writing, HSIE and technology.

Using "lost tooth" data collected in the classroom               
year one students will practice counting skills and 
collecting data. 
They will learn to make and interpret graphs,
develop map skills, increase word processing ability,
use a scanner and communicate online using a wiki site.
It's a wonderful opportunity for children to realise that  
in spite of many differences 

                     children all around the world have many similarities, too.

Key ICT Subject Area
Computer Operations & Concepts: CO.1, CO.3, CO.4, CO.8
Word Processing: WP.1, WP.2, WP6
Graphics & DTP: GD.13, GD.14, GD.16
Internet: IN.4, IN.11, IN.15
Technical Objective To use a range of technology applications in research,
communication and publication of data collected from around
the world.
Related KLA Outcomes
English: TS1.1, TS1.2, WS1.12
Mathematics: NS1.1, WMS1.12, DS1.1, MS1.2,
Science & Technology: INVS1.7, ICS1.12, UTS2.9
HSIE: SSS2.7, ENS2.5
Software Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, Google Earth, scanning
Timeframe 8-10 x 45 min. lessons, spread across Terms 1 & 2   

Visit the Teachers page on the tooth tally website 
for lots of downloadable resources, including the tooth shape marker.

Registration is now open,
please register at the TOOTH TALLY website,

Cheryl Hill
Tooth Tally Project Coordinator

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

In the 21st century, what does a school librarian do?

You know you're a 21st century librarian if . .

Manifesto for 21st Century School Librarians

By Joyce Kasman Valenza

Great Libraries of Learning:Is your library answering the needs of your students?

Great Libraries of Learning:Is your library answering the needs of your students?

Updated OASIS stocktake manual is here! 2009 version!!

School Libraries and Information Literacy

Updated stocktake manual is here! - The updated OASIS Stocktake Manual is available at the bottom of the FAQs - Stocktake page, under the question

How can I get assistance and advice on stocktake?

You will also find Stocktake hints by Sandra Jackson when you scroll down to this question .

Maralyn Parker, Daily Tele, supports our cause

In case you missed this article:

Maralyn Parker, Daily Tele, supports our cause

Well worth a few minutes reading time!!

Book Reviews which embeds technology nicely.

Hot Dog Book review on "It's not easy being a bunny."
Here is our latest Hot Dog book review from a third grader.
 Hot Dogs write a review, draw a self portrait, and then we animate the review with their voice.

Find more videos like this on TeacherLibrarianNetwork

Here is another 3rd and 4th grade book review.
The reviews are posted on Glogster for the school to use.
Glog Book Review "The Clouds Above."

Find more videos like this on TeacherLibrarianNetwork

Generating OASIS calendar 2010

Are you looking for the NSW DET Master dates to generate your new 2010 dates for the calendar?
Click here

Monday, November 16, 2009

Free- Open access Educational Journals

100 Excellent Open Access Journals for Educators

100 Excellent Open Access Journals for Educators
Just like physicians, the best educators stay informed with the latest developments in their field.
Luckily, it doesn’t take anything more than time to have access to quality journals for educators.

The following open access journals provide top-notch scholarly information available at no cost.

Most of these journals are published just once or a few times a year, so subscribe to several
so you can keep up-to-date on the latest research coming out of the field of education.

Different types of peer-reviewed research journalsImage via Wikipedia

Of particular interest to Teacher Librarians:
School Library Media Research.
Learn about evaluating and implementing successful school library media programs with the articles here.
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Monday, November 9, 2009

DIGITISATION of the SMH & ARGUS Newspapers

Message from: Sharon McGuinness
Teacher Librarian

The Sydney Morning HeraldImage via Wikipedia
 1. Sydney Morning Herald

The first digitised issues of the 

Sydney Morning Herald are now
available.  We have started from

the first issue 1831 and are 
making our way forwards to 1954.

The first 20 years (18,000 pages) are 

now available as follows:

Sydney Herald 1831-1842
Sydney Morning Herald 1842-1852

Issues from 1852 - 1954 will be 

made available each week from now on
through til early 2010. In early 2010 

The Sunday Herald 1949-1953 will
also become available.

We would like to acknowledge the financial contribution of the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation who have
given $1 million dollars towards the digitisation of this title.

2. The Argus (Melbourne)

The Argus  (and its previous title the Melbourne Argus) from 1846 - 1945 are now completed and available. 

The remaining 10 years (1945-1954) of the Argus will be made available in 2010 (mid to end of year).

Please circulate this message or its contents wherever appropriate.

Click to access the Australian Newspapers service:

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bring dogs into the kids learn to read...

Therapy dogs in libraries 
can help kids 
become more comfortable with reading.

Children who are just learning to read often feel judged or intimidated by classmates and adults.

But reading to a dog isn't so scary.
It won't judge, it won't get impatient, it won't laugh or correct if the child makes a mistake.

In a nutshell, dogs are simply excellent listeners.
And for shy kids or slow readers, that can make all the difference.

In America there is a nationwide program called R.E.A.D. -- Reading Education Assistance Dogs. It has been noticed that there's another benefit of reading to the dogs that they didn't anticipate: confidence.

The volunteers see the kids light up and see how excited they are with their success. They see all these changes in the students that they just weren't able to make as beginning readers before.

Check out more on this program @Learning to Read? Try talking to a dog
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Great timesaver... and great resources available.

A special message from :
Lizzie Chase
School Libraries and Information Literacy Unit
Find out when a new resource is added to 
School Libraries and Information Literacy Website 
and exactly where to find it.
To bring news of our website updates to you, the School Libraries and Information Literacy team have set up an RSS Feed  which you can click to subscribe to.
It will send a message straight into a folder called RSS at the side, within your DET Outlook email inbox. 
They will let you know when new DET workshops have been placed online for you to register OR direct you to hidden goodies on their website...
For example - the first RSS feed they have set up is at and lets you know that there are some brand new teaching resources, if you SCROLL DOWN to the bottom of the nominated page!! 
Lizzie would certainly recommend the revamped Information Skills teaching ideas to any new teacher librarians...

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Inter-school exchange of thoughts about learning in the 21C

Have you got a school twitter account?
TwitterImage via Wikipedia

Are you interested in discussing learning in the 21C with other schools using twitter and Twitcam?

The learnover will be held over 24 hours, and for 48 school

- one scheduled for each half hour using GMT

in as many different countries as we can muster.
 Click on the image above to find out further details.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Have you visited yet?

 "Kids teaching kids."
 A little computer info/information literacy..... A teacher created video

What is a url?