Sunday, November 18, 2012

NSW Book Week Judge for the Book Week 2014 - 2015

This post consists of a message from Jackie Hawkes - for The Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA)  NSW 

 Hi All - For your consideration -
The  position for NSW Book Week Judge for the Book Week 2014 - 2015 period is now open to members of the Children's Book Council of Australia -  NSW Branch.

New judges will be reading for the winners of the 2014 and 2015 Book Week Awards.

It is an amazing and demanding job, which this year included reading and annotating around 500 books as submitted by publishers for the Book Of the Year considerations in the  categories of Younger Readers, Older Readers, Picture Book, Early Childhood and the Eve Pownall Information Book. A team of judges from each of the states shares the decision making process, though at this stage all judges read all books submitted.

If you are interested or know of someone who may be, you are certainly encouraged to check out further information on the CBCA NSW details under the heading of Book Week.
Happy LOTS of reading -
Cheers- Jackie Hawkes - for CBCA NSW

Library innovation - the vision for 21st Century libraries

All Australian educators are welcome to register to use PLANE
Pathways for Learning Anywhere Anytime Network of Educators. 
 SO much to discover and learn.

             Hurry up!!! 
                             Boarding very soon!! 

 Don't miss the opportunity to share with interested teachers.
 TeachMeet@PLANE - Library innovation -
       the vision for 21st Century libraries 

Our 7th virtual teachmeet to explore hot topics in ICTs in education. 
The event is held via Adobe Connect. 
 Register for the event here 
 Further event details will be in your confirmation email. 
 Booking Date: Wednesday, 21 November, 2012 - 19:00 to 20:30
Love to see you there

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Are you enjoying Picture Book Month?

As a Picture Book Ambassador I am delighted to share this important message from Christopher Cheng-
Author & Picture Book Month Liaison:

The celebration of Picture Book Month is nearly half way through and some of the leading picture book creators have added their thoughts on why picture books are important - including Jackie French.

Two more Australians are yet to feature, Emma Quay and Bruce Whatley so do check in to Picture Book Month and read their words.

A printable calendar is here
and there is also a page that links to websites with activities.

Christopher Cheng
Author & Picture Book Month Liaison

Don't miss out on the fabulous activities  available and make sure you print a few of the Picture Book Month posters and place them around your school.