I am sharing an important message, with permission, from Marjan, Manager, Education and Training Information Service (ETIS) Strategic Information and Reporting.
"A big thank you to all our clients who have provided feedback on the ETIS closure to the ETIS feedback email or have contacted the Director-General and the D-DGs.
The feedback period ends this Friday November 2 so if you have not had the time to supply feedback, it is not too late to do so before the end of this week.
We have been informed that the Strategic Information and Reporting Directorate, Office of Education, has identified that the Education and Training Information Service (ETIS) will be closed in December because of current staff cuts. The information and library services ETIS provides will no longer be available.
The Department will lose a service providing principals, teachers and counsellors as well as regional, state office and executive staff with specialised literature searches, alert services, historical services and cost-efficient supply of published research. Access to the archival collection of departmental publications dating from 1848 will also no longer be available. ETIS is a unique service in the Department used for decision making, policy development, professional learning, quality teaching and evidence based practice.
We invite you to give feedback during the 4 week consultation period which began on 8 October. This is your opportunity to provide information and examples about how this closure will affect your work.
You can use ETISfeedback@det.nsw.edu.au and/or forward your feedback to your D D-G until Friday November 2. Please forward this email to your colleagues.
Feel free to contact me if you would like further details.
Marjan McKeough, Manager - on behalf of the ETIS team
Strategic Information and Reporting
Locked Bag 2006, Strathfield NSW 2135
P: (02) 9715 8357 F: (02) 9715 8292 E: marjan.mckeough@det.nsw.edu.au
P: (02) 9715 8357 F: (02) 9715 8292 E: marjan.mckeough@det.nsw.edu.au
NSW Department of Education and Communities